Answers to most asked questions!

Do you have...?

All items we have available, can be found on our website!

Will you have...?

We are not able to predict the future and say which items and when we will have them. If you are interested in specific items, you can join fill out request questionnaire!

Why is my order still marked "payment pending", if I made the payment?

We have to mark the payments manually so it might take some time for us to check the payments. Before cancelling an order we send out an reminder email, in which you can provide your payment, if we happen to miss it.

Can I go to your shop?

Yes! We will welcome you at our new adress - Ģertrūdes street 68-2, Riga, 12:00 - 18:00 Wed - Sat.

When is the next in person event that NEOE will participate in?

If we are planning on participating in an event / market, then we will post the information on our Instagram page. If there is no post, that means at the moment we are not planning on participating in an event.